Malikaii Mask & The Trials of Time

Malikaii Mask & The Trials of Time

GM. As the time nears to execute on some big plans for the book, I just want to have it somewhere readily available for people to read. 

What I tell you next is mostly for myself, but I will let you in on what I intend on accomplishing out in the open.

Associated with the the book there will be NFT's specifically aiming to be on Bitcoin. ln  it's most immutable form this is the highest form of "collectibility" imo; therefore that is where I intend to launch the book officially.

In addition, I want the book to be readily and easily available for the masses; therefore here's a list of others goals I have:

-Youtube channel for the book... In said channel there will be voices of many languages reading the book.

-There will also be an audiobook on streaming platforms (potentially in English, Spanish, and Japanese) if done right.

-And depending on the timing of everything, the launch of the official NFT collection   will come to fruition. I can't make any promises just yet - so for now the NFT will strictly be about being first to collect the earliest inklings of original IP and art on Bitcoin (of the Hyperverse).

***Side Note: When checking out of the cart please remember to insert your email and check off the box that says "Email me with news and offers"... I wouldn't want anyone to miss out on the updates I will be rolling out. I'll only send an email probably once a month; maybe even less. So be on the lookout for that.

For now I will leave the book up for those that want to dive into the story early. A lot of time and energy has gone into this; and I have 0 intentions of slowing down.

I look forward to your thoughts, and you support. Here's to the future.


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